(e-mail monitored during weekends and holidays)
Have PAPS changes, issues, or status update requests other than what's on the PAPS tracker? Please e-mail us at the address above.
News and Views
ACE (Automated Commercial Environment)
is now the mandatory access with U.S. Customs and Border Protection and by
the end of 2016, all 41 PGAs (Partnered Government Agencies). After
almost 15 years of development, testing, and deployment, ACE has become the
Single Window between Customs Brokers and CBP/and Related PGAs.
One item of note, if you do have interaction with a PGA (i.e. FDA, EPA, DOT, etc.), additional information is necessary to secure the release of your cargo. Because of this, you may expect some delays in the release of your shipments as this data must be supplied prior to release rather than a request after the fact. Please call us with any questions that you might have.
C-TPAT continues to be the primary program with CBP to monitor and secure the supply chain. Benefits to the importer include less frequency of exams of the cargo, saving money for exams and speeding the delivery of cargo. C-TPAT is also open to overseas suppliers and cargo moving through a secure supply chain will receive these benefits, as well as protecting the integrity of other cargo, carriers, and officials and staff involved in international cargo. Please contact us with any questions you may have or interest that you may show in this program.
Border Releases
Customers are reminded that all PAPS releases (Prior Arrival Processing System) on border entries, must be faxed to our border fax at 734.946.4314 or e-mailed to dellwillpaps@gmail.com. This email is monitored during weekends and holidays. In addition, you can check your PAPS on our PAPS Tracking website.